Rustic Style Furniture
Handmade colorado log furniture crafted with sustainable aspen wood.
We have been designing and creating aspen log furniture and decor in colorado for over ten years.
Our passion is to take advantage of the abundance of dead aspen wood cluttering our local forests, and to revalue it.
Each piece of timber is carefully selected with a specific piece of use in mind. Our thinning and harvesting dead-standing and fallen aspen trees is healthy for the forest and helps prevent the spread of forest fires.
however, we are always careful of animal habitats and take this issue into special consideration before removing any logs.
Thank you for visiting and helping us meet our goals of sustainability and conservation.
Rustic Style Furniture – Website
Mailing Address: Box 1406
Business Address: 102 Railroad Ave
City: Dolores
State: CO
ZIP Code: 81321
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